Milestone: 1,500 Chocolate Milks Reviewed!!

Milestone: 1,500 Chocolate Milks Reviewed!!

“It’s the journey, not the destination.” Starting off with a cliché is rather, well, cliché in itself, which perhaps cancels it out.

I remember back in late 2016— almost exactly 4 years ago— scanning the street shops and supermarkets of Bilbao for chocolate milk. Occasionally people would ask and I would proudly proclaim that I’ve reviewed 86 chocolate milks— which sounded like a heck of a lot at the time. Many people would say “I didn’t even know there were that many!” and other things to that effect. A bit later on, it was one hundred forty-seven (Munich, Germany). Two thirty-four (Grand Forks, North Dakota). Three seventy-nine (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia).

Fifteen hundred (McDonald’s drive thru, Oak Brook, Illinois).

Numbers are great, but I had never set a target or anything like that— the only goal was to keep going and see what happens. So, [raises a chocolate milk] here’s to the relentless pursuit of what makes you happy, with no clear endgame in mind. You’re unlikely to regret it.

In the last 100 chocolate milks reviewed (between 23-Jun-2019 and 21-Sep-2020), I would award the following superlatives:

See you at the next milestone

VB#151: TruMoo Chocolate Milk Review

VB#151: TruMoo Chocolate Milk Review

VB#150: Rolling Lawns Farm Chocolate Milk & Blind Taste Test!

VB#150: Rolling Lawns Farm Chocolate Milk & Blind Taste Test!