VB#196: New at Target: Pioneer Pastures Chocolate Milk

Target is now carrying Pioneer Pastures Chocolate Milk-- an ultra-filtered, ultra-pasteurized, A2, lactose free, gluten free, lower sugar option in the dairy case. That's an awful lot of bells & whistles, and a significant departure from the 'milk-sugar-cocoa' paradigm. Doesn't mean it can't still taste great-- and that's what we endeavored to find out in this recent trip to Target.

VB#195: Freshly Dairy Chocolate Milk

Freshly Dairy, just 20 miles west of Indianapolis, is home to some of the best flavored milks in the midwest and best people you'll find anywhere. With only a relative handful of cows, this micro-dairy has a clear focus on quality over quantity, and they've been providing the local community with top-notch local chocolate milk since 2022. Always a highlight of my cross-country roadtrips, I'm already looking forward to the next time I cross over those pesky train tracks en route to some local, non-homogenized goodness!

VB#194: 8 Chocolate Milk Reviews in 8 Minutes - New York

Eight chocolate milk reviews in eight minutes, all from New York State. So many great local chocolate milks from the Empire State, it's easy to take them for granted and hard to do them justice. Just wanted to spread the word about these destination dairies in a way that tries to balance brevity with thoroughness. Whether or not I was successful in doing so, I certainly had a deliciously fun time visiting the farms and meeting lots of awesome, hard-working people along the way.

VB#193: The Creamery at Burley Berries & Blooms Chocolate Milk

Some chocolate milks just have 'it'-- and the chocolate milk you find at Burley Berries & Blooms in Warsaw, NY is one of those. From the grassy, buttery creamline base to the deftly attuned salty/sweet balance-- you can get a metric ton of enjoyment out of a mere 16oz bottle. Join us for a quick (but fairly dense) review of this local dairy gem in Western New York State. Oh and did I mention the fridge moos when you open it?

VB#191: Afoolzerrand Promo

Better late than never! Well it's only taken 8 years to create a genuine website/channel promo-- but on the plus side, we can truly showcase our hardcore pursuit of the world's chocolate milk. Condensing 8 years down to 2 minutes is a huge challenge, and there are so many other clips and moments that I couldn't quite fit in. All that said, it's been a blast, and as long as it remains a fun endeavor, I'll be doing it into my final years. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been involved along the way-- it truly is the journey and not the destination. It's a fool's errand, brother.

VB#190: Spylt Caffeinated Chocolate Milk Review

Caffeinated chocolate milk is a rare find, let alone a protein-fortified one-- so you can imagine my excitement when I first heard about Spylt. By 'excitement' I mean cautious optimism-- but sometimes low expectations are far surpassed. By 'sometimes' I mean very infrequently. Nonetheless, Spylt is an innovative (and I daresay fun) product to review-- come for the caffeine, stay for the protein...but what about the flavor? Well, you're one click away from an honest review.

VB#189: Louisiana Chocolate Milk

Chocolate milk might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Louisiana-- but those who know, know-- that the Pelican State is home to some of the most delicious chocolate milk in the Southeast. Here we go from E. Feliciana to Caddo parish, hitting up two fantastic farms bringing local, creamline milk to their respective communities and beyond.

VB#188: Kriemhild Dairy Chocolate Milk Review

What can I say, some chocolate milks deserve their own dedicated video. Kriemhild Dairy is one of the best chocolate milks I've had, not just in the (highly prolific) state of New York, not just in the United States, but in the entire world. Join me as we visit the creamery store in Hamilton, NY, and see how much indulgence and enjoyment can be extracted from three simple ingredients-- a paradigm frequently pursued, but rarely executed to perfection.