Milestone: 1,600 Chocolate Milks Reviewed!!

Milestone: 1,600 Chocolate Milks Reviewed!!

Well, review 1,600 came sooner than expected— thanks to a few impromptu road trips and a couple very generous friends showering* me with novel chocolate milks picked up on their travels. Fortunately, I haven’t actually showered in chocolate milk since Mongolia— which is somewhat ironic because my only shower in 8 days on the steppe involved some lackluster Korean chocolate milk and a strong gust of wind.

For those who missed it, here’s a reminder of what life was like 1,200 chocolate milk reviews ago— and answer me this: what’s worse— the video editing or the idea itself? Regardless, it was a blast, and fortunately the memories will last much longer and age far better than the camel-ride chafing it took to get there.

Oh, and another deep cut— this time it wasn’t technically showering in chocolate milk, it was bathing in chocolate milk— which is what most ‘normal’ people do in Prague (so I’m told).

*Figuratively, if that needs to be said..

In the last 100 chocolate milks reviewed (between 07-Oct-2020 and 04-Nov-2021), I would award the following superlatives:

See you at the next milestone

VB#165: Promised Land Chocolate Milk Review

VB#165: Promised Land Chocolate Milk Review

VB#164: Top 5 Chocolate Milks in Virginia

VB#164: Top 5 Chocolate Milks in Virginia