Milestone: 1,700 Chocolate Milks Reviewed!!

Milestone: 1,700 Chocolate Milks Reviewed!!

Busting out the ol’ cape and leather loin cloth for this one— it’s remarkable how even after 1,700 chocolate milks, my physique bears shocking resemblance to Gerard Butler’s circa 2005. In less than one year’s time, we were able to track down 100 new (to me) chocolate milks, and I suspect the next milestone may come before the end of 2023. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Ok so not categorically true, but it sounds convincing if you don’t think about it for very long.

Huge shoutout to all those who helped along the way, and a special thanks to all the dairy farmers out there doing their thing, making something from nothing— doing something truly worthwhile.

In the last 100 chocolate milks reviewed (between 05-Nov-2021 and 24-Aug-2022), I would award the following superlatives:

See you at the next milestone

VB#176: Pigeon Creek Farm Chocolate Milk Review

VB#176: Pigeon Creek Farm Chocolate Milk Review

VB#175: The Best Chocolate Milk in Rhode Island

VB#175: The Best Chocolate Milk in Rhode Island