Below is an overview of the current format of the home page and product info page.
The Home page displays the following information for each given product:
Clicking on the image will bring you to the product's detail page, which will generally have the below information.
A reprint of the same product notes that were displayed on the home page.
Image gallery
Each product has an image gallery showing all relevant angles (and label text) as well as an 'opened' picture with the product in a clear glass or plastic container. Clicking on an individual image will open it in a lightbox where it can be viewed in its entirety.
Taste Ratings
These are subjective ratings that I assign during the tasting session. All ratings are on a zero to ten scale, and are recorded to approximate my best description for how the product looks/feels/tastes to me.
Purchase Info
Nutrition Facts (per 100mL)
Pretty self-explanatory here, the nutrition information normalized on a 100mL portion. A typical 'serving size' in the US is 1 cup / 8 fluid ounces, or about 240mL.
Not all products provide all of the info in the table above. All non-English products are translated to the best of my abilities (or the abilities of the person who helped me).
In cases where no nutritional information is provided on the packaging, I do my best to acquire the info from the producer's customer service or website.
Product ingredients, translated into English as necessary. Labelling requirements may differ from country to country.
Country of the product's origin.
Clicking the link will display all products produced in that country.
Product Origin