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Acure Made Rich Chocolate Drink

Acure Made Rich Chocolate Drink


From a consistency standpoint, this is exactly what you’d expect diarrhea to look like in a cup and feel like in your mouth (here’s to hoping we never get to that point). This may be ‘spoiled’ in some regard, though it didn’t smell or taste rotten, just the chunky/gooey texture couldn't have been presented that way on purpose. I hate to say it, but the flavor wasn't terrible, but on consistency alone, this gets a zero.

Taste Ratings:

Color Hue Viscosity Texture Chalk Cocoa Cream Sweet Salt Overall
light..dark gray..brown thin..thick smooth..grain low..high low..high low..high low..high low..high poor..great
8.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 4.5 6.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 0.0

Purchase Info:

Location Store Unit(s) Price
Tokyo, Japan Vending Machine 200mL cup JPY 170.00
[USD 1.53]

Nutrition Facts (per 100mL):

Sat. Fat
Calcium (mg)
94 4.5 N/A 11.7 N/A N/A 1.8 0.01 N/A



Product of Japan

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