Salty, less sweet and as malty as chocolaty. It’s pleasant upon first sip, but has a lingering aftertaste that is strong and urges you to take another sip to get rid of it.
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Salty, less sweet and as malty as chocolaty. It’s pleasant upon first sip, but has a lingering aftertaste that is strong and urges you to take another sip to get rid of it.
Tons of flavor brought through by a heavy dose of cream. May be too salty for some, but it works for me in conjunction with the malty cocoa flavor. There is a guilt factor, but it’s worth it in this case.
Powdery/chalky cocoa taste, but the taste is executed quite well. Good balance of cocoa with sweetness and salt.
Mature, earthy cocoa flavor and more cream than sweetness. The texture is a bit thick, but it’s warranted by the creaminess.
Sweet and creamy, with a buttery quality that is unique and pleasant. Plenty of salt to balance things out.
Fairly well proportioned, nothing stands out in particular but it works well enough together.
Candy-like sweetness and a powdery cocoa flavor contribute to an overall sense of inauthenticity. Flavor is strong and some may enjoy it, but it comes off as fugazi to me.
Mature-feeling taste. Very indulgent, but more with creaminess and chocolate flavor than by sugar. Lives up to (and beyond) the ‘Extra Rich’ billing, which remarkably few can pull off. Exceedingly delicious, do what you must to get your hands on this.
Probably should be out of scope, as it’s not really milk, it is a widely known drink in America. Thin, silky smooth, watery, sweet; still not a viable replacement for relatively average chocolate milk.
There's something off about the texture— it’s fairly smooth but feels like it refuses to disperse naturally. Extremely light/gray, amply sweet but not very chocolaty. The sweetness has a fruity (grape-ish) undertone.
Flavorful in a lot of the right ways— good representation of cocoa, malt, salt, cream, and sweetness— even a slight sour note that works well. Rather enjoyable to sip while contemplating whether the cattle rustling cow on the the label is a force for good, or a spiteful traitor to his own people.
Nice well-rounded chocolate milk with each flavor category easily identifiable. Smooth and easy to drink, above standard.
Cocoa flavor is a bit in the background, but the smooth and creamy flavor make up for it. Thickness much more warranted here than in the 1% version.
Slight fruity sweetness at first taste, and seemingly more vanilla than cocoa. The starchy thickness is a turnoff, however, with the lack of cream flavor it comes off as artificial.
So brown it's almost red, almost too much flavor for its own good. Has an earthier cocoa taste which is nice once you get used to it, but the thickness makes you feel like you’re drinking dark chocolate cake.
Phenomenal cocoa flavor and strength, plenty of sweetness, salt, and creaminess to carry it through. Simply the BEST I've had thus far!
Unable to mix the cream in (which was like butter) despite mixing and shaking until my arms gave out. What I could drink was nice, and I imagine it's great with the cream evenly distributed, but I couldn't achieve that without a blender (which I didn't have).
Great cocoa flavor but also a relatively strong ‘marshmallow-y’ taste that is unavoidable once you recognize it. Very sweet and flavorful, if you love chocolate marshmallows, go out of your way to find this.
A fair bit saltier than other TruMoo products, but same lack of cocoa flavor. More salt than sweet, not necessarily a bad thing, but otherwise unmemorable.
Unexciting, typical flavor profile of the big-jug chocolate milks. Nothing offensive, just enough to be ‘ok.’