All in USA

Rumble SuperShake Dutch Cocoa

If ‘potting soil’ and ‘paint thinner’ had a baby, this would be the amniotic fluid. This isn’t really chocolate milk in the purest sense, it’s definitely a ‘health shake’— and it may deliver on that, but if it’s taste you’re after, spread garbage disposal gleanings on a cracker instead.

Valley View Farms Chocolate Milk Shake

Incredibly thick— which is the only drawback I can find (albeit a big one). The flavor is sweet but not too lopsided, if it were much thinner, it would score a lot higher. Fans of the super-thick would enjoy. [Note: I’m pretty sure it’s not 68 calories per 100mL as the label suggests. I followed up with the company on 26-Jun-2017 and they replied that they are in the process of updating the label.]

Alpenrose Swiss Supreme Chocolate Milk

Not much chocolate to be found, but tons of cream, sweetness, and a decent dose of malt makes it wonderfully flavorful nonetheless. One of the most caloric products I’ve ever tasted, it’s like drinking melted ice cream (an overused cliché, but true here). With more cocoa, this could be elite.

Umpqua Dairy Dutch Style Chocolate Milk

Thick and creamy, but has a unique flavor to the sweetness that registers as ‘melon-y’ to me— just for a second, and then it goes away. There's as much malt as chocolate, both of which could stand to be more prominent, as there’s plenty of cream to carry it to a satisfying conclusion.