Pleasantly average chocolate milk that plays it right down the middle in all categories and doesn’t go into business for itself.
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Pleasantly average chocolate milk that plays it right down the middle in all categories and doesn’t go into business for itself.
Smooth and sweet— but I taste more stevia than honey. It’s not as blatant as some of the other Fairlife products, but neither is the chocolate presence. It could use a heavier dose of salt to bring out the cream, as it’s lacking flavor dimensionality.
Tons of flavor, with the cocoa nearly in equal proportion to the sweetness— providing a more mature, dessert-y type of feel that makes my heart sing. The creamy base does its job almost too well-- as it’s easy to drink too much of it too fast.
Strongly sweet, with an almost honey-ish bent; it fits together well with above-average saltiness and a super smooth and creamy medium. More cocoa wouldn’t hurt, but it’s far from broken and no need to fix it-- it’s objectively delicious.
Creamy, sweet, and enjoyable, but don’t expect your chocolate ‘itch’ to get scratched.
Has the confidence to rein in the sugar and ultimately let the cocoa flourish, with lots of help from the deliciously creamy solvent. It looks and feels substantial, which will make you savor it all the more.
Multivitamin scent and flavor (to a lesser extent), and feels like a mouthful of beach sand. You can chomp on the individual grains during and after each sip, and there’s an audible ‘crunch’ as you do so. It’s chalky, passably chocolaty, and from a taste perspective, you could do a lot worse in the ‘breakfast shake’ category.
Sweet and chocolaty, with plenty of excusable chalk. The flavor is not to be overlooked here, it is rather strong and true— I must say that I’m both surprised and impressed. Your mouth will dry out from the heavy chalk, but you’ll effortlessly rationalize another sip, and another…
If you’re paying close attention, you may notice actual tiny bits of banana that buoy to the surface, and you can feel them on your tongue— actually a welcome feature and pleasant surprise. The banana flavor is stronger than the cocoa flavor, but it’s a pleasantly unique drink that can be a nice change of pace.
Has a unique, sharp malt flavor that outshines the cocoa flavor but should maintain your interest throughout. The powerful malt accentuates the ‘creamy’ aspect over the ‘sweet’ one, and it works rather well here.
Fairly bland upon first taste, then devolves to a grainy-ish, salty, yet creamy quality that’s difficult to adjust to. I’m left longing for more chocolate and a more satisfyingly punctuated finish.
Super smooth, very creamy and malty, but not particularly chocolaty. Manages to feel indulgent without a significant flavor punch.
Powerfully malty to an extent that you double-check the label, which says ‘chocolate.’ Lovers of malt will find this irresistible, those expecting chocolate will be disappointed. I like it more for its uniqueness than anything else— it’s a pleasant departure from the bog-standard chocolate milk you typically find in gas stations.
Salty, malty, and rather powdery— leaving your mouth dry and longing for stronger chocolate flavor. The creaminess is its best attribute and is executed well, but undercut by the powdery/grainy texture.
Wow, just wow. Incredibly indulgent feeling, yet easy to drink. Salty, malty, creamy— all in excess, and I love it. It’s mature, balanced, and melts in your mouth— absolutely PHENOMENAL!
Surprisingly grainy, but otherwise nicely sweet and balanced chocolate milk. Does well to preserve a creamy flavor with only 1% fat as well.
Slightly thicker and ‘fuller’ than its 355mL plastic bottle counterpart (different formulation)— in this case it works to PERFECTION. The added skim milk powder gives it a more potent milkiness that adds punch to the overall flavor. Simply one of the best chocolate milks I’ve ever had.
A perfect example of where ‘thickness’ is justified by the creaminess. This is indulgent without being ostentatious, as the cream is more prominent than the cocoa, which comes through more in the latter half of the sip— as though the cream delivers it to the tongue and tiptoes away quietly— but you appreciate the act more so than the gift itself.
Buttery and smooth— superbly drinkable for a whole milk concoction. The cocoa flavor is subtle and mainly kicks in during the latter half of the sip.
Awesomely creamy, but carries more of a sugary flavor than one of cocoa or malt. It’s not a huge detriment, but everything else is so good that it’s easy to pick on the quality that isn’t quite there. Still, a very strong recommendation— this stuff is great.