Syrupy and grainy texture— it’s not milk, nor does it imitate it well. The sweetness level is appropriate, and the flavor is not terribly chocolaty, but not necessarily terrible. It’s rather boring, with a sticky, unnatural feel.
All in USA
Syrupy and grainy texture— it’s not milk, nor does it imitate it well. The sweetness level is appropriate, and the flavor is not terribly chocolaty, but not necessarily terrible. It’s rather boring, with a sticky, unnatural feel.
Strong cocoa hit in the early part of the sip, but lacks a creaminess that would really add some punch and staying power to the flavor. It’s very thin and there’s no trace (taste-wise) of its ‘high protein’ claim. Very unique and memorable.
Thick, sweet, and uniquely flavored. There’s a sharpness that reminds me of canned soup (initially) though the more you have of it, the less odd it becomes. It definitely feels indulgent— due to the thickness and sweetness it’s difficult to drink a lot at once. Memorable, nonetheless.
Nicely salty and sweet, but the texture has a hint of ‘syrupy’ feel that is more noticeable in small sips.
Creamy but otherwise bland— a light sweetness is just about all there is to enjoy aside from the cream. Under chocolaty and devoid of any other distinctive characteristics (malt, sourness, saltiness, etc.).
Flavorful combination of chocolaty and salty, with ample creamy backing to carry the flavors through to the end.
Pleasantly smooth but the flavor is a bit of a mystery. There’s very limited cocoa presence, and the sweetness has an almost fruity quality that will make you take a second look at the label in search of ‘artificial sweeteners.’ There aren’t any, but it tastes like there are.
Mostly average, however has a strong saltiness that interacts well with the other flavors, giving the impression (illusion?) of a slightly more creamy and malty tasting product. Not bad.
Gorgeous light brown coloration and a pretty flavorful experience, both chocolaty and sweet in decent proportion. Nicely satisfies the chocolate milk jones, should you have one (I have several per day).
More of a creamy flavor than a sweet one, it feels closer to the mature end of the cocoa spectrum as opposed to the ‘candied’ end. It’s pleasant, checks all the boxes, but won’t blow you away with any spikes or dips in flavor or quality.
Beautifully brown, but fairly hollow flavor. The sweetness feels inauthentic, and overall it has a slight watery quality that washes away the rather mild taste anyway. It hides the protein-y flavor quite well— it’s definitely palatable, and tastier than many other ‘recovery’ oriented drinks, but it doesn't compare favorably to chocolate milk, especially the high standard that Shamrock Farms tends to deliver.
Malty, creamy, salty, and super-drinkable. Your mouth will wonder what it did to deserve this, and your stomach will churn at the mere thought of your next sampling of mass-produced, low fat swill.
Everything you’d hope for in a chocolate milk— plenty sweet, creamy, chocolaty, salty-- it's delicious and incredibly drinkable.
Adequately creamy, averagely chocolaty, and pleasant— despite a mildly pervasive aura that I can best describe as that slightly minty paste you may or may not have consumed as a child. Texture-wise, it sports a substantial build with a relatively clean, adhesive-free finish.
Smooth, sweet, and bland. There's not a very strong chocolate component-- thus it’s like pleasantly sweetened milk.
It's got the 3 Ws in spades— wheaty, watery, and wackness. It’s unsweet to the point of being bitter, and that’s not to accentuate a dark chocolate flavor or something worthwhile. You’re left with a damp cardboard aftertaste that will serve as a stark reminder not to take another sip.
Tastes a lot less exciting than ‘Jumpin Jimmy’ may suggest— but that’s not a bad thing. What you get here is a relatively undersweet, chalky, chocolaty drink that sports neither a caffeinated nor protein-y flavor. It will give you a bit of a jolt though, if you're not used to it.
The first sip said ‘maple syrup’ to me, but as I pressed on, I began to appreciate the cocoa flavor that becomes more evident in the (rather delicious) aftertaste. It’s delectably creamy, fun to drink, and feels indulgent yet not in an overpowering way. Melted ice cream is probably the closest thing.
Tons of salty malty goodness here, in a creamy medium that enslaves your palate in velvety shackles— you won’t want to break free!
Great creamy smoothness aside, there’s a sharpish malt flavor in place of the cocoa— and normally I like a malt flavor, but this one feels a bit misplaced or underdeveloped. All else is very good, but the predominant flavor is still shrouded in mystery.