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Fairlife Chocolate Whole Milk

The same, signature Fairlife twang plugged into a more clotted base. The sweetness is distractingly unnatural and significantly hampers the experience. I get that the nutrition stats are attractive (low sugar, high protein) and it serves that market well, but from a flavor standpoint, it doesn’t quite do whole milk justice.

Martin's Chocolate Milk

A strong, stationery-esque taste has unfortunately leeched from the carton, distracting from its originally intended flavor. Texture-wise, it’s full and smoothly pleasant, and the sweetness is thankfully in check.

Sand Hill Dairy Chocolate Milk

A strapping meathook of buttery cream grabs you by the scruff of the neck and takes you on an adventure you won’t soon forget. It’s wilder than average, saltier than sweet, uniquely fascinating, and entirely delicious! I drank the whole pint before writing a single word (luckily I had 2 bottles)- so it effectively rendered me in a listless stupor— albeit slightly more alert than my default state. Touché.

Bellflower Chocolate Single Origin Chocolate Milk

A nostril-flaring, nipple-hardening cocoa experience you will neither match nor forget; a must-have for any fan of chocolate, milk, or the luxurious confluence thereof. From bouquet to delicious cocoa nibs, to the mature aftertaste that satisfies yet beseeches the next sip: this will buzz you beyond the limits your morning french press. Outstanding.

MyShan Dairy Chocolate Milk

The cream coats your insides with a sagacity that one can only hope transmutes to the soul itself, providing a physically warm, intellectually cozy experience— bafflingly achieved through drinking a chilled liquid. Lo, the enigma of paradox!

Grace Harbor Farms Chocolate Milk

Excellently strong cocoa flavor and finely-tuned salty/sweet balance— I just wish I could get the cream to mix in without mechanical means! I shook until my arms gave out, and am still left with lots of tasty cream chunks that refuse to incorporate.

Fresh Breeze Organic Chocolate Milk

Delectably buttery and well balanced, with a unique and crave-worthy splash-of-wild cream flavor, confident cocoa, and a salty bite that further amplifies its excellence. I can’t believe it’s 2%, and I do this for a living— this is outstanding stuff.

Kroger Slim Rite Milk Chocolate

Vitamin-like metallic scent, minimally serviceable cocoa flavor, and loads of sandy granules that you can crunch between your bicuspids. Perhaps the best feature is the 5g of fiber per bottle, which can further expedite the process of getting this out of your system.