Gorgeously velveteen creamy base with confident salty/malty punch that will excite your tastebuds and convert even the most goat-phobic friend of yours into a believer and proselytizer of this delicious dairy beverage.
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Gorgeously velveteen creamy base with confident salty/malty punch that will excite your tastebuds and convert even the most goat-phobic friend of yours into a believer and proselytizer of this delicious dairy beverage.
Sweetly true cookies and cream flavor over a perfect base for delivering said experience. As the Brits say “It does what it says on the tin.” Cookies and cream fans: take notice, take heed, and take US-322 over to Reedsville to pick this up.
Luxurious creamline milk with generous amounts of cocoa flavor, lending itself to a mature, indulgent treat perfect for any occasion. Each sip ends with a buttery kiss (less messy than it reads) which acts as both a ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’ at the same time.
Thin, fairly smooth, but marked by a sweetish flavor that is reminiscent of chocolate candy flavor. No complaints with the texture or cream levels, but I actually prefer the flavor of the reduced fat version.
Strongly competent in all categories, a fairly straight-down-the-middle reduced fat chocolate milk. It doesn’t take any risks, nor should it— it’s nice the way it is. The highlights are its stronger than average cocoa flavor and clean finish.
A chocolate milk that gets everything right- it’s powerfully chocolaty, strongly but appropriately sweet, and built on a delicious foundation of creamy girth that just ‘feels’ right. Anyone who even remotely likes chocolate, milk, or both is sure to LOVE this.
Agreeable texture with a slight grassy bite and malty overtone— it’s pleasurable and sneakily indulgent. I found myself drinking it with a more ‘exploratory’ (seeking flavor) than recreational (experiencing flavor) approach. In short, it’s a great base with potential to carry more taste.
Very prominent cocoa flavor that leans ‘earthy’— and very strongly powdery / chalky feel, that leans….’earthy.’ No issues with the taste— it’s also rather salty that curbs any potential aftertaste woes, but the texture feels too thick for its britches, and the residue-laden end state is reminiscent of the fortified protein drink genre.
Silky smooth and drinks quickly, thanks to a thin yet creamy texture and a pleasant, medium flavor that won’t stop you in your tracks for better or worse.
A creamy, malty deluge of delicious and unique flavor— this is not an experience to pass up. Each mouthful is a gift to your soul, a lift to your spirits, and a gain to your waistline!
Love the texture, hate the flavor— this is a hard one to rate. It’s got a grassy cream as its predominant feature, though the cocoa aspect is bowling-ball dull, and there’s no salt or sweetness to speak of. Blindfolded, I would have guessed a bland goat milk. I want to like this more than I actually do.
Excellent mint flavor with a cool, lasting exit— a delicious pairing with its solidly creamy base. This is one to drink slowly, relishing each sip, and let the flavor take control of your senses for as long as the pint lasts.
Gorgeously creamy build supported by ample sweetness, salt, and a slow-burning cocoa flavor that takes time to develop— but it’s time that you’ll spend enjoying the well-rounded indulgence contained therein.
I have to believe that this product has unfortunately ‘turned’ and is not in its normal state. I’ve had lots of spoiled milk over the years, and the fruity, almost rum-like state is a telltale sign that I could smell upon first open. The ‘sell by date’ is today, and since it’s been in my possession it has been kept ice cold— so yeah.. The store only had 1 unit left; assuming it was handled poorly. :( Will endeavor to review this next time I’m in PA.
Strongly salty over a slightly cooked milk taste and a caramel sweetness. There’s no shortage of flavor, but it’s not allocated in the right places and proportions.
Effortlessly indulgent— 3 simple ingredients combine to form an absolutely fantastic sip-able chocolate experience, where sweetness is there every step of the way though you hardly notice.
It drinks very smoothly and pleasurably but doesn’t move the needle in any given flavor direction, leaving you with a quick, inoffensive way to get some calories down your gullet.
Sweet, smooth, malty, and creamy— thought the malt could use a bit more salt support to help accentuate it. It’s physically easy to drink, but psychologically (?) I’m left yearning for a more prominent flavor profile.
Sweet, chocolaty, and not much else. There’s a stickiness to it that is a noticeable departure from ‘milky’ and while the flavor delivers a decent initial jab, it’s fairly 2-dimensional on a 4-dimensional scale (cocoa, sweetness, cream, salt).
Pleasant base and somewhat bland upfront, though the cocoa shows up and makes an impact in the latter part of the sip— and it makes a good enough impression that you want another.