As with the other Purmil Ghana branded items, it’s so bland you want to think that it's watery, yet it isn’t.
As with the other Purmil Ghana branded items, it’s so bland you want to think that it's watery, yet it isn’t.
Not as bad as I expected— but still not something worth drinking. I was expecting strong, bad flavor, and to my surprise it wasn’t strong.
Nicely drinkable with only a mild rummy-ness to the chocolate flavor which is otherwise fine.
Disgusting texture, flavor, and appearance. On the plus side, I’ve only seen it in 1 store of the ~100 visited in Seoul. At least the city has taste.
Same fruity nonsense as the version I tried earlier— the nutritional info was a little different but the taste was not.
Probably would be pretty good if it had half the sugar. It’s way too sweet, which unfortunately overpowers the other attributes that deserve much more share of the limelight.
Thick, starchy, grainy, and an odd choice for cocoa flavor. It does have strong salty kick at the end which was a welcome surprise, but all things considered it tastes and feels artificial and inauthentic.
Pretty straight-down-the-middle in most respects— has a similar flavor to the private label, big gallon jug chocolate milks that we all grew up on.
Disturbingly bland-- definitely delivers on the “mild taste” claim but there's no “richness of cacao.”
Easily drinkable but the chocolate piece is much more towards the candy end of the spectrum than the cocoa end. There's also a hint of fruity aftertaste, just barely.
Fairly bland, but nicely proportioned. Competent at not trying to do too much.
Smooth as can be, yet creamy and enjoyably flavorful. It won't overpower you, but there's a mild sophistication to the experience.
So thin and smooth that you expect a watery quality-- but it's not there— instead it delivers a solid chocolate experience with minimal baggage.
Dark and salty—fortunately much more palatable than Marmite, but quite a unique combination going on here. The cocoa flavor is less mature than I would hope, and the thickness would benefit from being reined in a bit, but oddly, the package as a whole is fun while it lasts— which isn't long in a 180mL box.
Nasty, fruity taste reminiscent of a cheap chocolate-flavored candy stands above all else.
A touch on the bland side, but nothing feels unnatural. It’s silky smooth going down (akin to its UHT counterpart) and can hold its own amidst a field of sweeter and fattier offerings.
Amped-up flavor but extremely well-balanced and sophisticated feeling. Definitely worth the asking price, which I had assumed was mainly going toward Disney, but if it’s what’s inside that counts, this is a definite winner.
Sharp, sour, dark cocoa flavor that is not bathed in sugar— a very tasty experience that feels naughty.
Sweet, chocolaty, a little powdery, and fun to drink. Very smooth and palatable chocolate flavor, a touch on the darker side but anyone who enjoys cocoa products would gladly sidle up to one of these.
Fake cocoa taste— like it’s trying to emulate a powdery chocolate candy. Tries to make up for it with sweetness, but that works against it as well. Best to avoid altogether.