Arruda's Dairy Farms Chocolate Milk

Really odd cocoa flavor that dissipates quickly— perhaps because the fat content doesn't seem to deliver on the creamy expectations the numbers might provide. It has great aesthetics, but for me, doesn't deliver on the chocolaty or creamy hopes that you might have for it.

Harris Dairy Farm Chocolate Milk

Chocolaty and (perhaps a bit too) sweet, which is good enough to put it above average. The thickness is more prominent than the creaminess (I prefer the reciprocal) but overall it feels indulgent, dessert-y, and is a fine way to spend a couple minutes or a few hundred calories.

Lazy Meadows Creamtop Whole Chocolate Milk

Same as Atlanta Fresh Crematop Whole Chocolate Milk that I had earlier in Raleigh, NC, just a different name on the label. A remarkable experience- tastes different from anything else I’ve had. It’s super-salty, but you warm to that quickly. It’s plenty creamy, a tad grainy, and very flavorful. Perhaps these grass-fed cows unearthed a salt lick— but still, it’s a luxurious experience that may take a sip or three to get used to.

Smiling Hill Farm Whole Chocolate Milk

Definitely creamier than the low fat version, and more enjoyable for that reason— but it still suffers from way over-sweetness, as it causes the cocoa flavor (which is strong) to seem candyish and not authentic. Again, would be much better if diluted with plain, whole milk.

Great Value Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Cloying sweetness masks whatever cocoa flavor there is supposed to be, and it carries on into the aftertaste. There’s enough salt, and the consistency is decent, but the supporting flavors aren’t good enough to compensate for the lack of chocolate.

McNamara Dairy Chocolate Milk

Creamy as heck, feels like egg nog (doesn’t taste like it) and there’s almost a charcoal-like conclusion to the sip that is more intriguing than off-putting. Seems to be lacking cocoa in a major way, but the rest is nicely balanced, creamy, and flavorful.