Immergut Kakao (Hamburg)

Incredibly thin, and still maintains a decently authentic flavor despite the watery texture. Much better than the Immergut Kakao I sampled in Frankfurt that had slightly different make up and stats. It’s cheap, adequately chocolaty, and drinkable in a pinch (considering the low calorie content).

Koawach Klassik Naturlich Schokoladig

So incredibly brown that it's almost red-- feels like it's staining my teeth immediately upon consumption. Kinda worth it though-- it has a super strong cocoa flavor and a minute amount of sweetness (tastes a lot less sweet than the 8.8g sugar/100mL would suggest). It's also the first chocolate milk product I’ve had that is caffeinated (guarana). In short, this is memorable and should be sought out for fans of super dark chocolate.