Kambaku Power Coccao

A remarkable drink in many respects-- it has a unique ingredient list (including caffeine and marula fruit puree) and also an unusual nutritional profile (4.1g fat, 5.7g protein, 163mg calcium per 100mL). The taste is creamy, decently chocolaty, and has a tiny hint of Bailey’s Irish Cream flavor. All in all, one to remember, and one to seek out if you’re in the Vienna area.

Bio Plus Kakao Genuss

Unique! It’s creamy, thin, a bit chalky, and the hazelnut flavor mixed in creates an almost cinnamon-y flavor that works surprisingly well with the rest of the product, perhaps because it nicely mutes the sweetness. This is not a flavor profile that I would seek out, but this formulation has won me over.

Nupo One Meal Low Calorie Cocoa

Great texture, but the flavor is where things go pear-shaped. The taste is akin to a sour vitamin (congruent with the product's scent, at least) and the sweetener makes me salivate post-swallow. Reminds me of when you get hit in the nose and your eyes immediately water, though you're not ‘crying’ per se.

Kukkonia Kakao

Phenomenal texture-- thin, yet creamy— and prominent cocoa flavor that is toward (but not fully in) the darker/sour/mature end of the continuum. I want to sip this slowly from a champagne glass, but I can’t seem to get the ‘slowly’ part down; this is almost too easily drinkable.

Rajo Brejky Kakao

Fruity sweetness that you can smell before actually tasting it. The consistency is very good, and the included straw is unique and super neat (closed-end with 4 small round holes on each side)— but the taste is not up to par with even average chocolate milk.

Spar Enjoy Schoko-Drink

Wow— tons of cocoa flavor that refuses to leave your side after each indulgent sip. There’s definitely some grit to it, but the cream helps to sweep it away and you won't mind anyhow. Might even give you a buzz if you’ve been chocolate deprived.

Spar Budget Milch Shake Schoko

Extremely thick, but maintains some creamy aspect which is the drink’s high point. There’s really no cocoa flavor, or no other flavor in particular that comes to the surface. It is like a toned-down, more pleasant version of the nasty thick cupped milkshakes that plague much of northern and central Europe.

Billa Kakao

A bit gritty but still a milky feel-- the creaminess is executed well and doesn’t gum things up. The cocoa flavor is decidedly toward the earthy end of the spectrum, but the supporting cast compensates to make this an enjoyable and memorable drink.

Milk Shake Schoko

Any thicker and you'd require a spoon— not how chocolate milk (or shakes) should be. The thickness dominates the experience, which frankly doesn’t have much else to offer. It's more ‘hazelnutty’ than chocolaty and over-sweetened to boot.