Danone Danonki Kakao

One of the sweeter liquids I’ve had in quite some time. It’s so prominent that it detracts attention away from the chocolate (unfortunately) and the texture (fortunately). Feel-wise, it's a departure from ‘milky’ and has a noticeable grit, even visually so.

Twix Shake

Tries too hard to be flavorful, and misses the mark on how the experience should be. It’s strongly sweet and salty, but the caramel aspect feels underdeveloped and the chocolate and cookie notions are absent. The texture is far from milky, but more of a syrupy medium with odd-feeling physical properties.

Danone Dan Mleko Czekoladowe

Somewhat of a candy-sweetness to the chocolate, but it's not terribly offensive. Notably salty, which helps balance the sweetness out, and slightly contrived texture that is almost milky, but just different enough to exude a processed feel— it feels like it's carrying more solute than it can reasonably hide.

FruVita Czekoladowym Milk Shake

That same gummy, liquid-marshmallowy nastiness that I’ve grown accustomed to throughout Europe, as there are so many products that seem to be this exact formulation (or derivatives thereof). The packaging is neat and enticing here, but that's where the fun ends.

Bakoma Satino Gold Drink

Closer to pudding than chocolate milk, but the cocoa flavor is prominent and enjoyable throughout. The creaminess is also present, so the thickness does not seem entirely starch-driven. It’s flavorful and unfortunately (for me) super viscous— but if thickness is something you dig, sidle up to one of these.

Zott Serduszko Mleko Czekoladowe

Lots of flavor going on— sweet, salty, and creamy— hallmarks of an excellent drink, but there’s something awkward about the flavor. It reminds me of dried papaya— a definite fruitiness to it (perhaps imitation vanilla is the culprit here), however, it is getting better with each sip. Unique, and worth a try.

Milk It! Czekoladowy

Straightforward chocolate flavor delivered through a texture that feels smooth going down, but leaves a lot of residue on the sides of the glass (most will drink it out of the bottle and never notice this). No surprises here (good or bad) but well-executed and worthy of your spare zloty.

Mlekovita Mleko Czekoladowe

Excellent milky feel: thin enough, creamy enough, sweet/salty/chocolaty enough— everything works well in the current proportions. Only complaint is that it’s so effortlessly drinkable that the 200mL is gone before you know it. Buy several.

Cserpes Sajtmuhely Laktozmentes Csokolades Tej

Perfectly nails the low viscosity / high creaminess ratio that so many others flub up in either direction. Unfortunately, they opted to go the no sugar added route (sweetened with stevia) which commands too much attention. This product has immense potential if only it would choose sugar as the sweetener. If I try hard enough, I can convince myself that I can taste the cardamom that it contains, though it's far from obvious.

Pilos Kakaos Ital

Flavorful and highly drinkable, this is an honorable all-purpose chocolate milk that is available at a very fair price. Perhaps a little darker colored, but not significantly different from Mizo Kakao (Low Fat).

Tesco Kakaos Ital

Very strong cocoa flavor that would benefit tremendously from a more indulgent cream factor, enabling the cocoa flavor to last a few seconds more. Still, a nice surprise, and a welcome departure from store-brand mediocrity.