Pleasant but average flavors and levels across the board, however it’s much less viscous than most chocolate milks. Easy to put down the entire 4-pack— and adding a straw option is a nice touch.
Pleasant but average flavors and levels across the board, however it’s much less viscous than most chocolate milks. Easy to put down the entire 4-pack— and adding a straw option is a nice touch.
Super sweet and not much else— I’m almost surprised that ‘milk’ is the first ingredient because it feels like one of those water-based ‘chocolate drink’ gimmicks that would come in the big plastic gallon jug. Kids might likes this because it looks like chocolate and tastes sweet, but it’s up to you do do what’s right.
Same sort of tongue-watering reaction that I got from the Classic and Halfvol Albert Heijn versions. Aside from that undesirable quality, this drink is flat and under-salted at the very least.
More sour flavor than cocoa, neither of which are particularly strong. The texture is smooth and milky, and easily drinkable.
Overcompensates the lack of cream with heavy-handed sweetness that ‘candifies’ the cocoa flavor and ultimately feels a bit hollow. That all sounds a bit too critical of a drink with only 58 calories / 100mL— it’s not bad considering what it has to work with.
Well played here— a lighter version that puts more stock in cream than in sugar. Texture is on the gummy side that is more noticeable in small sips-- but the artificial sweeteners are well hidden and don’t detract from the flavor.
Tastes a lot better than the label would suggest. It's fairly creamy, undersweet (which works in this case) and doesn't try to promise something it can't deliver. Artificial sweeteners are practically undetectable and there's no collateral damage done to the texture.
Powdery feel, and very average in every other respect. It’s easily identifiable as chocolate milk— no real surprises or disappointments here.
Decent initial hit of cocoa flavor, but that soon atrophies to an unsavory (no pun intended) aftertaste that made my tongue water. There’s definitely something off.
The taste is decidedly average, but the texture feels more like an oil/water concoction than how you’d expect milk to be. This might be more noticeable when drinking it out of a cup (rather than the straw attached to the box), but it's distracting and worth noting.
Chocolaty, sweet, creamy enough— everything works well to deliver indulgence on a budget. Only one minor gripe about the texture: it feels just a hair powdery.
Not much of a downgrade from the standard version— the strong flavors are all still preset and the 11 calorie (per 100mL) difference seems negligible from a taste standpoint.
Tasty medium-strength cocoa flavor that goes down nicely and is worth the chalkiness that might put off some people in search of a smoother experience.
Thick and chalky, with a fleeting cocoa flavor and relatively empty finish. It feels like it should be packed with flavor, but it washes out and doesn't deliver. There's also an unpleasant aftertaste that lingers for some time after swallowing— which is the only real reason to take another sip. But you have to break the cycle at some point. Now is a good time.
Chalky, but fairly creamy. Unfortunately carries a modest sour undertone that is not one of dark chocolate, but one that approaches (but doesn't breach) the boozy zone. It’s a minor gripe, but noticeable when compared with several peers in one sitting.
Has a unique light and airy feel to it, which stands out among other whole chocolate milks. It manages to maintain a smooth, easy-flowing texture and adequate depth of flavor. In no way is this watery, despite the thinness you will notice. Good stuff.
Reminds me of Cacaolat, it’s very flavorful and leaves an aftertaste as well as a bit of a film in the mouth. The texture is pretty grainy, but it’s for a reason— there’s a lot of taste going on here. It’s easy to want more.
Average whole chocolate milk with slight powdery feel and unremarkable (but not foul) cocoa flavor. It lacks salt, which would help to bring the creaminess out and bring a more complete feel to each sip.
Milky, a little chocolaty, but lacks a flavor kick that would put it in a higher echelon. It’s well balanced, enjoyable, and nothing trips my ‘fugazi’ sensor.
Thicker but relatively full of flavor, which makes the viscosity compromise much less of an issue. Not too many other surprises, but it achieves what it sets out to do— provide a solid chocolate milk at a low, private-label price.