Hudson Valley Fresh Chocolate Milk

A perfect example of where ‘thickness’ is justified by the creaminess. This is indulgent without being ostentatious, as the cream is more prominent than the cocoa, which comes through more in the latter half of the sip— as though the cream delivers it to the tongue and tiptoes away quietly— but you appreciate the act more so than the gift itself.

Ronnybrook Farm Dairy Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Salty, chalky, and chocolaty but has a slight earthy, dare I say, approachingly dirty taste. It’s plenty creamy as well, especially for being low fat, but it does wash away faster than expected, leaving you with the salt and chalk. This may sound more negative than it is in practice— I’m nitpicking probably because my expectations were higher.

Nutrament Chocolate

Has an almost pinkish-brown coloration, and is super-sweet above all else. I can’t locate much of any cocoa flavor— just a thin, sugary drink that emulates milk fairly well, but won’t satisfy your chocolate craving one iota.

Supligen Chocolate

Smooth upfront with a sweet mineral/metallic flavor blast, followed by a chalky exit and mullti-vitamin-y aftertaste. There’s a lot going on here, and while it tastes ok enough to continue, it’s not something that you would pursue for recreation.

Sport Shake Chocolate

Lots of flavor— especially salty/sweet, which provides a ‘malted milkshake’ like taste that, while amped up pretty high, doesn’t offend or feel terribly out of place. It does have a weighty feel to it, but overall it’s reminiscent of a very sweet milkshake.

Envia Mister Drop Cacaoté

Well rounded boxed chocolate milk with a thin creaminess that is appreciated. This contributes to an (admittedly) intangible good ‘feel’, which, along with the appropriate level of sweetness, does well to support its ample cocoa flavor.

Lactel Sporteus Chocolat

Sticky, syrupy feel that is at least congruent with its heavy-handed sweetness. There's definitely chocolate involved (and it doesn't taste bad to be sure), but it’s drowned out in sugariness and feels like you’re drinking candy and not something of animal derivative.

U Lait Chocolat

Creamy, flavorful, and even has a momentary velvety feel, which you may not get through the straw. There's a chalkiness that isn't off putting either-- it seems to serve as more of a confirmation that there’s a microscopic flavorful bit in each sip.

Auchan Dessert à Boire Au Chocolat

Possibly the thickest thing I’ve ever tried to drink. It’s truly like pudding and would be better served in a dish with a spoon. The flavor is not bad at all— it’s very sweet and chocolaty and has an indulgent quality to it-- but as a ‘drink’— I think most people would gag at the viscosity.