Calder Bros. Dairy Chocolate Milk

Immensely chocolaty, creamy and plenty sweet— it’s not just ‘dessert-y’— but a full-on dessert in itself. The cocoa flavor is bold and lasts well into the next few minutes of your life, after which you may want to strongly consider brushing your teeth.

MOO-ville Creamery Chocolate Milk

An absolutely delicious ride through chocolate streams gilded with buttery cream— an experience of which you will not soon tire. I was well into my second glass before snapping out of my momentary bliss-induced aphasia. Go out of your way to acquire this.

Hilhof Dairy Organic Chocolate Milk

A hint of ‘wild’ sets this creamy, chocolaty dream apart from the more ‘produced’ chocolate milks out there. It disperses wonderfully and leaves you with a slight cocoa film, but feels natural throughout. This makes me think of how chocolate milk perhaps used to be— and what horrible things have happened to afford us the myriad concoctions/perversions that flood the market today.

Our Family Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Lightly sweet and bland, with a starchy clinginess to the inside of your mouth— as though it's trying its best to hang on and impart some flavor “if only we had more time!!”— but fails remarkably in the end, cascading down the esophageal chasm never to be heard from again.