The Fresh Market Whole Chocolate Milk

Densely packed with flavor— a strong, mature (nigh sour) cocoa presence enveloped by thick, salty Jersey cream— it makes pensive sipping all but mandatory (blazing hearth and bearskin rug optional). It’s way thick for my preference, but the flavor is unique and well-developed such that I don’t mind. Most people should find this irresistible.

Sealtest Chocolate Lowfat Milk

Earthy, flat, and noticeably aggregate— perhaps an excavation site in drinkable form— albeit with a deftly tuned sweetness level and otherwise palatable characteristics. It doesn’t take much to stand out in the ‘institutional’ market, but so far it’s a half step above the field.

Shatto Milk Company Reduced Fat Chocolate Milk

Refreshingly smooth and chocolate-focused— the majority of the ‘flavor-spend’ seems dedicated to its cocoa profile. It could use a bit more support from a cream and salt perspective; I think what calories are ‘saved’ by drinking this instead of its full-fat counterpart are not nearly worth the flavor discrepancy, as Shatto’s whole chocolate milk is worldwide elite.

Shatto Milk Company Chocolate Mint Milk

Brimming with flavor— mint, chocolate, and cream remain prominent whilst languishing in delicate balance. The cool minty hit helps to slow the consumption rate, as it’s a fun and tasty sensation that you’ll continue to chase until exhaustion. To be clear, I mean the bottle’s exhaustion, not your own.

Hiland Chocolate Marshmallow Milk

Solid representation of what drinking a marshmallow would be like— so if that’s your charter, consider this a must-have. For everyone else, it’s a painfully sweet, much-more-marshmallow-than-chocolate experience, leaving you every bit as empty as the calories you just consumed.

Maple Hill Organic Chocolate Milk

Devastatingly focused on delivering a clean, true cocoa flavor that pairs exceedingly well with the cream to provide a top-flight drinking experience. There’s a salty bite and a fleeting but blissful grassy back-end that both feels like a reward, yet is rewarding in itself.