Sweet and dense, feels like it lives up to the “54g carbs per portion” billing. I can think of a lot more enjoyable ways to spend this caloric onslaught, but I will admit this is an awfully fast (and painless) way to 350 calories.
1,823 chocolate milks | 52 countries | currently scouring my fridge for more...
All in Finland
Sweet and dense, feels like it lives up to the “54g carbs per portion” billing. I can think of a lot more enjoyable ways to spend this caloric onslaught, but I will admit this is an awfully fast (and painless) way to 350 calories.
A protein drink that understands moderation and uses it effectively to create relatively smooth, adequately flavorful and appropriately sweet experience.
Tastes like you'd expect a high protein drink would— undersweet, under chocolaty, over ‘enriched' (multi-vitaminy)-- none of which approach an extreme level (thankfully). The texture is dense and starchy, but not too drying. I've had a lot worse, but tastewise, it’s still sub par in the chocolate milk category.
Chalky, but still more milky than most other protein drinks out there. There’s a sharpness to the cocoa that feels just a tad off, but all things considered, it's a fairly decent tasting protein-enriched chocolate milk.
Super thin, smooth, and more sweet than anything else, though there is a background cocoa presence. It goes down very quickly, in part due to the chug-friendly viscosity, and also due to the fervency with which you will search for deeper flavor (only to come up short).
This is how I'd expect chocolate milk to taste if it came from an artesian well. A moderate amount of cream is about all that separates this from spring water.
Noticeably different from the fresh version(s), despite identical ingredients and nutritional info. The shelf-stable version has a thicker texture, and a sour note that makes it taste less sweet and a tad more complex. I still prefer the fresh version as I feel the consistency is more true.
Super thin, smooth, and more sweet than anything else, though there is a background cocoa presence. It goes down very quickly, in part due to the chug-friendly viscosity, and also due to the fervency with which you will search for deeper flavor (only to come up short).
There’s a strange intensity to the flavor, which feels like it should burn, but doesn’t. The texture is definitely more milky than otherwise— a welcome difference to the normal protein drink, and there is cocoa flavor to be had. After the initial shock of the unique flavor, it becomes more palatable with each swallow.
Sweet banana scent that accurately represents the flavor as well. It's decidedly toward the banana end of the spectrum (versus the chocolate end) but is smooth enough to sip without any red flags.
Strong and nearly rancid banana scent, though the flavor is more what you’d expect (much more banana than chocolate). Dense yet smooth and surprisingly not starchy-feeling, I found myself enjoying it more as I got used to it. There’s a mild wheaty undertone that becomes more noticeable in the aftertaste, but it’s not terrible considering its makeup.
Thickish and super drying to the mouth— quite a strong powdery quality. Flavorwise, it does well for having artificial sweeteners (they’re not over-present) and the chocolate is there but comes with a little sharpness initially. The more I drink, the more I’m used to the flavor but disgusted by how its coating the inside of my mouth.