There's a pleasant caramel quality to it that isn’t hampered by an aftertaste or any other type of phoniness that you often get with that. It’s very thin, decently sweet, and goes down like a champ. Great option for the lactose averse.
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There's a pleasant caramel quality to it that isn’t hampered by an aftertaste or any other type of phoniness that you often get with that. It’s very thin, decently sweet, and goes down like a champ. Great option for the lactose averse.
Watery, warm, and chocolaty in a way that a vending machine hot chocolate is. Definitely not offensive, the cocoa tastes as it should, it’s just not a viable substitute for chocolate milk.
Very strange flavor, which to me is reminiscent of anise/licorice. Extremely thin and smooth, but the flavor is off-putting for one expecting chocolate milk.
Thin and flavorful, with strong cocoa, sweetness, and salt notes. Leaves no residue on the walls of the glass— almost seems to be water based, but enjoyable to drink.
Creamy taste balances well with the lower level of sweetness, very enjoyable and surprisingly simple ingredients.
Exceptionally chalky with a low amount of sweetness that actually works to its advantage. The cocoa flavor maybe a bit more acidic than I initially expected, but remained consistent throughout and by the end it was not an issue. My first thought was ‘tomato’ when I took a small sip— but that proved to be fleeting.
Creamy and not overly sweet, my first thoughts were there was a tiny hint of a ‘pencil lead’ type taste that I hadn’t thought about since the last time I chewed on a pencil. Otherwise, it’s rather good.
Dominated by an unpleasant ‘sour’ taste. Grainy, chalky, unnatural-feeling texture makes matters worse. Avoid.
Sporting an amaretto-ish smell, I was curious if the flavor would follow suit. It did. Very thin and fairly smooth, this doesn’t taste much like a chocolate milk should— it reminds me of a poor version of (Romanian) Zuzu. Potable only by the narrowest of margins.
Very flavorful and thin/smooth texture with ample creaminess and salt. Doesn’t leave the ‘milk mustache’ residue on the side of the glass— it almost runs down like water, but I can’t deny the dark chocolate taste and overall excellent drinking experience.
One of the best-looking products I’ve seen (a shame it’s inside a box!), but this lactose-free version has a hint of a ‘burnt coffee’ taste to me— just a tiny bit. Otherwise, it is well balanced across the board.
Rich and creamy taste—almost buttery—works well with the (slightly) thinner than average texture. The cocoa taste expands in the mouth post-swallow. Remarkable from start to finish.
Exceptionally chalky and ‘thickened’ feel, a fortified taste dominates the others. Lots of grain left in the mouth. The taste is not off-putting on its own, but when tried against other chocolate milks, you can notice a stiff mineral twang.
Bland at first taste, but improves with repetition. A subtle creamy taste pairs nicely with an enjoyable salty quality. Cocoa taste comes through eventually, and I certainly don't mind the wait.
Extremely smooth texture and strong flavor— though it’s a bit of an odd one. It tastes like it’s emulating chocolate candy as opposed to chocolate. Sweet, and nice to drink, but missing the real flavor of cocoa.
Texture seems unnecessarily thick for a boxed drink and there is a noticeable amount of grain left on the tongue. The cocoa taste is decent but fades quickly, and you are left with a dry-feeling mouth.
Much thinner and smoother texture than the Carrefour Kids version. More sweet than chocolate, but it went down quickly— I was finished with the glass before I knew it. Noticeable amount of salt helps the flavor as well.
Strong cocoa taste, but not much else going for it. Definitely the darkest chocolate milk I’ve seen yet, and the cocoa aspect did not disappoint, but it’s missing the other factors to make it great. Texture suffers from what feels to be an artificial thickening.
More of a malty taste than a chocolaty one, but the thin texture and balanced sweet/salty quality bolster its drinkability.
Less sweetness helps the cocoa flavor come out in this case. Thinner than Puleva and better/truer overall flavor. Some chalkiness, as with many of the other boxed milks but still decent start to finish.