Lapp Valley Farm Chocolate Milk

Akin to drinking salted, melted chocolate ice cream— if I didn't hate the words so much, I would use ‘hearty’ and ‘robust’ in the review— but I won’t despite their germaneness. Lovers of thick, creamy chocolate milk look no further.

Giant Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Inoffensive, uninteresting, non-essential. Plays like standard low-fat chocolate milk and leaves you with a minor drying sensation after the sip— unless that was induced by lip-smacking in an attempt to locate a flavor that simply wasn’t there.

Weis Chocolate Milk

Strongly flavorful but fairly misguided in its approach. You’re hammered with a syrupy sweet, caramel flavor that lingers on the palate and doesn’t foster the 'whole chocolate milk' experience you expect.

Manning Farm Dairy Chocolate Milk

Thickly creamy, and confidently chocolaty— a true dessert-like treat in liquid form. It’s rather filling, both from a spiritual and intestinal standpoint, and will be my stock answer going forward when asked, “What can you get for a dollar anymore?”

Hillside Farms Chocolate Milk

The cream melts in your mouth like a warm pat of honey butter, leaving you with a chocolate flavor that is straightforward and more of an adornment to its other characteristics (primarily the cream and salt/sweet balance). You won’t want the experience to end.