Carrefour Choco Halfvol

Thin yet carries a grain that you will feel on your tongue and in your throat after swallowing. Very middle-of-the-road in the flavor categories, perhaps slightly weaker than average chocolate flavor. Far from offensive, but worth your time looking for something more memorable.

Dilea Choco

There's a pleasant caramel quality to it that isn’t hampered by an aftertaste or any other type of phoniness that you often get with that. It’s very thin, decently sweet, and goes down like a champ. Great option for the lactose averse.

Biorganica Bio Schoko-Milch

Excellent look and texture, amply creamy considering the thinness, and definitely has a grassy note that I've not noticed in other chocolate milks. It's not earthy, and not overly chocolaty, but a tasty, unique drinking experience overall.

Lilac Chocolademelk

Flat experience that is reminiscent of melted, unsalted butter (except not as good as that would be). It's milky and mildly sweet, but the product is actually less interesting than the (seemingly uninteresting) box that it’s in.

Optimel Drink Chocolade

Musty, wet-cardboard flavor can’t be intentional, but it’s common enough in chocolate milk that I’m no longer surprised by it. This drink admittedly doesn’t have much to work with, given the nutritional profile, but perhaps just aiming for ‘bland’ should be the goal of certain producers.

Chocomel (1L glass)

Smoother and slightly more of a creamy taste than the original, but still carries the punchy flavor I associate with Chocomel (this version has locust bean gum as an additional stabilizer-- the only difference I could find on the label). As it’s a pop-top bottle and can't be resealed, looks like I’ll be forced to consume the full 1L now ;)

Chocomel Vers Mager

Doesn't carry the signature Chocomel flavor. Instead, it’s unbalanced toward the sweet side and also has a more watery base (it’s lower fat & lower cal, so not a surprise). The taste sacrifice here is not worth the caloric difference.

Chocomel Vers

Fresh version of Chocomel definitely has a smoother, more milky feel than the standard UHT type, but it lacks some of the strength in flavor. It's not bland by any means, just slightly less punch than its shelf-stable sibling.

Chocomel Dark

Excellently satisfying dark cocoa taste that is neither bitter nor muddled with any other flavors competing for attention. It tastes as good as it looks; I just wish this were more common throughout Europe.

Albert Heijn Basic Skimmed Choco Milk

Gives off a strange sensation that I’ve not felt much before— the first sip hits you as a hollow sweetness, and then, in your mouth, the swallow and aftertaste just get progressively sweeter. I’m not sure how/why this works, but it’s unpleasant. The sweetness feels unnatural as well, and the chocolate flavor is not at all worth the trouble.

Tony's Chocolonely

Intoxicating brown color, and a unique but enjoyable drinking experience. The sweetness decidedly has a ‘honey’ characteristic to it, but the cocoa is strong and the drink on the whole is rather substantial and filling. Lots of chalk, but the flavor delivers. You will want to brush your teeth afterward.

Chocomel Koud

Reminds me of Cacaolat, it’s very flavorful and leaves an aftertaste as well as a bit of a film in the mouth. The texture is pretty grainy, but it’s for a reason— there’s a lot of taste going on here. It’s easy to want more.